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tv   9 News Now at 5am  CBS  March 6, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EST

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tomorrow and especially thursday when we'll make a run toward 70. this is after having snow yesterday. got to love early march. a cold start for you. here's a look at the day planner. down in the 20s in many areas. we'll be climbing toward the 50- degree range this afternoon. noontime temperature 43 degrees. by 5:00 47. that's after topping out at about 50 for the high. right now, though, 32. your sunrise this morning 6:32. there are some of those snow showers about 12 hours ago. everything is kind of just fizzled away with the loss of the daytime heating. do have a little bit of snow in ohio tracking across ontario to northwestern pennsylvania but a quiet morning out there. clear skies, 21 in manassas. martinsburg got to 20 right now. heavy jacket weather. we've got upper 20s for la plata and over to andrews and annapolis. the warm spot at 34. this afternoon sunny. winds turn to the south. some spots will stay in the upper 40s, especially north and east of town. here in d.c. about 50. maybe a couple of areas
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manassas, culpeper, fredricksburg, you guys may make a shot toward the low 50s. warmer days ahead. let's go to monika santami. a chilly start. i was chilly this morning. need to warm up your car and yourself as you head out the door but once you're out there i'm happy to say the roads are fine. there are no big deals to worry about coming up from virginia on 95. lorton, newington, springfield the lanes are open. no big delays. we'll take a live look at 395 at edsall road north of the beltway. main and hov lanes are looking great. downtown pennsylvania avenue near the willard hotel. again very quiet and all the corridors in the district as well. back over to the maps and this time to 95 in maryland. coming down from baltimore lanes are open. no problems on the bwi parkway or route 50 in from annapolis. no problems on the beltway. i know a lot of you dealt with major delays on the beltway yesterday with an accident. we'll take a live look here in college park and again things are looking great. no problems to report into silver spring. coming up in my next report, we'll focus on the district at
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5:09. back to you. >> thank you, monika. campaign 2012 is a huge day in the republican presidential race. after months of hype, super tuesday is finally here. >> we've seen these guy -- [indiscernible] voteers in ten states are going to the polls today. one of the bigger primary prizes, virginia. delia goncalves is in falls churn at a polling place that opens in just about an hour from now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. we've seen a couple of folks coming in at this early hour getting ready for their 6:00 start when the polls open here at falls church community center. the hype is for a good reason because you can say it all comes down to today. we will have a good look at what november will eventually look like when this contest that has been filled with lots of candidates will be whittled down to maybe one or two. and up for grabs more than 400 delegates. it's the biggest prize yet that
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we've had so far in the race and here in virginia, romney is expected to run away with the race. the reason for that is because only rit mom any and ron paul -- mitt romney and ron paul appear on the ballot here in virginia. the rest ever the candidates filed suit to get on the the ballot but they failed to get enough signatures so they will not appear on the ballot. meanwhile romney and santorum are focusing on ohio, a critical swing state and the biggest race today with 63 delegates at stake. >> it always comes down to ohio but usually not in the primary. we need to make sure that ohio puts forth the best possible nominee to take on barack obama. >> i believe in america. i believe you're going to do the right thing tomorrow. i need your vote. >> you have a chance to vote to somebody who has done it, knows
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how to do it, who has the right vision for doing it and who is probably i think people agree i would be the best person to debate obama. >> reporter: meanwhile ron paul is in caucus state idaho where he's speaking to young people hoping to pull off a win. he is currently in last place. coming up in my next live report in a half-hour, we'll have a closer look at the race here in virginia and specifically the polls here in falls church. back to you. >> delia, thank you. delia goncalves reporting live from falls church. one of the biggest donors in d.c. politics had his accounting office raided by federal agents. jeff thompson's staffers confirmed there was -- they are part of a federal probe. company employees say they turned over documents related to campaign fund raising events hosted by jeff thompson. over the years thompson donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to a multitude of d.c. candidates. he also owns a firm chartered health. it's a medicate management provider. it has a $320 million contract
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with the city. the main library at george washington university reopened late last night after a gun scare. the secret service warned the school that a suspicious man was headed from pennsylvania avenue to the campus. the university was not put on lockdown. officers did search the library but they didn't find a gunman. jury selection is under way in a wrongful death lawsuit brought by the parents of two virginia tech students. the two students julia pride and erin peterson were killed in the april 2000 massacre -- 2007 massacre. the parents claim the school waited too long before alerting students to the early morning shooting to the two people in the dorm before seung-hui cho
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opened fire. deputies believe between 8:00 saturday night and 8:00 sunday morning racial slurs were spring painted on a church in stafford. they say they have zero tolerance for this. your money report of the morning. >> jessica is here with that. >> good morning. we're going to see if more hopeful signs about the economy help to pop stocks today. china lowered its expected growth rate. the booming chinese economy has helped lift the rest of the world since the 2008 financial crisis. the dow stands this morning at 12,962, lost 15 points in trading yesterday. nasdaq was off by almost 1%. the s&p 500 was down by five points. a new survey finds the nation's economy is improving more quickly than economists had expected. an ap survey last month of leading economists finds they think the unemployment rate will fall from 8.3% now to 8% by election day.
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that's better than their 8.4% ebbs mat back in december. -- estimate back in december. they predict unemployment will drop to 7.4%, down from the earlier estimate at 7.8%. we are helping you get hired. brush up the resume for this morning's jobs fair oranged by the national career fairs. it's at holiday inn rosslyn, 1900 north fort myer drive. it will run from 11:00 till 2:00. employers are hiring today. companies include stewart enterprises, mattress discounters, kodak, and family dollar. >> kodak on that list. >> that's interesting, huh? >> what kind of positions those are? >> what do you have for us in the next half-hour? >> there's a possible new tax on the table for maryland. we'll talk about that coming up. looking for new streams of
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revenue. there is a new hardship sadly for tornado survivors in the midwest. >> they got snow on top of the devastation from the twisters. more on that story coming up. gregg williams is asked whether or not he ran a bounty system when he was here in town as the redskins defensive coordinator. we'll be right back.
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9 after 5:00 on this tuesday morning. a cold one out there. need the gloves and jackets if you're going to be outside at all. thankfully the winds are aren't too strong. we're expecting plenty of sunshine. temperatures will be climbing into the mid-30s by 9:00 in washington. mid-40s this afternoon with a high near 50 degrees. sunshine all day long. taking a look into downtown on the southeast southwest freeway and the sousa bridge, this is what it looks like coming in from the pennsylvania avenue. no problems to report. more on virginia roadways next time around at 5:17. back to you, mike. making news now at a:10, thousands of tornado survivors are just getting started on trying to put their lives back together. weekend storms spawned nearly a hundred tornadoes across five states. the death toll is at 39.
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and in henryville, indiana snow has now fallen on all the debris. a court has denied requests by lawyers to end jared loughner's medication. he is accused of killing six people, including gabriel giffords. doctors can continue to give him drugs to make him ready to stand trial. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke to the public affairs committee last night. he also met president obama at the white house yesterday to discuss the nuclear threat posed by iran. he says israel will defend itself if needed. it can be hard for people in underprivileged neighborhoods to find a doctor nearby, but in today's hero central at 5:57, medical professionals bring the clinic to their patients. at 5:31, we'll take a closer look at what's at stake in today's super tuesday primary. the elections in virginia and elsewhere. next at 5:15, find out if
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we'll be springing forward into milder weather in howard's seven-day forecast. ♪ pierre! your fashion is so "right now," but your banking is so last season! earn more with high yield free checking at capital one bank. instead of some unfashionable rate, your checking could be earning five times the national average. and free atms anywhere. five times the interest? that's hot. oooooo! let's catwalk! you want more interest? open an account at a capital one bank. what's in your wallet? does this make my tuches look big?
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what's with the 99? has it always been this way? ♪
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cheerio my fair lady, pray tell the price of this fine hat. it's 14 pounds 99 pence. okay so 15 pounds. 14 pounds 99 pence. are you trying to trick me? ♪ nooooo... so 15 pounds? ♪ good morning. welcome back to 9news now. it's 5:14 on this tuesday morning. howard is here with our weather first. michael is getting his sugar rush from pauline. >> she brought these back from louisiana. this is like a sugar patty.
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they're great. >> while the coffee is being made, you'll do that. she has two locations. >> i'll have to go there next time i'm back. weather wise we have a good morning. grab yourself some sugar, coffee, whatever gets you moving. mike has it all here. he'll be flying. your bus stop forecast, you'll need a little something to pick you up because it's chilly out there this morning with readings some some spots close to -- in some spots close to 20 degrees. they'll come up just a little bit as we get past the sunrise about 6:30 or so. we'll be looking at 20s and low 30s at the bus stop this morning. today plenty of sunshine. that's the good news. the winds not too strong. that's also pretty good. 35 by 9:00 at reagan national with a noontime temp in the low 40s. slight windchill but not much. southeast winds at 6 become
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southerly this afternoon, 5 to 10 with a 5:00 p.m. temperature of 47 we'll get close to 50 which is a hair below average. average is 52. we'll be much milder the next couple of days a. cold start, lots of sunshine but cool. 50 today. tomorrow, though, even milder. i think we're going to be in the mid-60s and even close to 70 by thursday. so even warmer before we get back to the 50s with showers come friday. here's a look at the temperatures. we're down in the lower 20s in laytonsville at 22. manassas is 21. 25 fairfax. down in springfield 26. off to the east of us crofton is 27. and we have 27 also from baden and bwi26. looking at our michael & son weather camera, clear skies, good visibility. no problems. 32 degrees. dew point is 15 so the humidity is only 15% and a slight windchill at 27 with a light northwesterly wind. we're looking at a storm coming into the pacific northwest. this is going to mean warmer
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temperatures for us because out ahead of it you get this southwesterly push. temperatures in the 50s will be pushing our direction. we have 20s and 30s here. the milder stuff is over there. that comes our way starting tomorrow. today sunshine will be with us all day long. other than some passing clouds, really very quiet around here. our next chance of any real weather, if you will, that's going to come on friday in the form of showers. so today 50 degrees this afternoon. some areas north may stay in the upper 40s southwest, maybe 51, 52. tonight we're in the 30s and some upper 20s. so cold but not as cold as this morning. 65 tomorrow. thursday about 70. a little bit breezy both days. we could see gusts toward 20 miles an hour out of the southwest. by friday showers and 56. saturday cool, 54. time change saturday night and sunday, 65 sunny degrees. over to monika now with time saver traffic. it's not looking bad
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outside. early yesterday morning we had big problems on the beltway. i'm happy to say this morning we do not and inbound on i-66 all lanes are open. all that construction overnieft has been cleared up -- overnight has been cleared up. i think you're good to go. we'll take a live look at the roosevelt bridge inside the beltway into downtown. you're going to be okay here. we'll take a look back at our maps and this time inside the beltway at 395. you're going about 60 miles an hour up to the 14th street bridge. crossing the potomac river it looks fine. no problems into the downtown area. last live look at the american legion bridge as well. west side of town taking a look at all the bridges this morning and no problems here across the river between tysons and bethesda. coming up in my next report, we'll look at 270 at 5:24. 5:18. some past players say -- [indiscernible] john wall puts up good numbers but was it enough for a
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win? highlights in sports. another look at the question of the day. what is the one thing that women think about four times a day when men only think about every other day? is it a, calling mom, b, marriage, or c how much they weigh? >> facebook fan ronald lee mcdonald williams says c, most messaging about white loss seems to be geared toward them keeping the issue of weight more on their minds. leave your response on our facebook fan page. we'll have the answer during our 6:00 show.
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5:21. a cold start out there. if you like to run outside, try doing it later when we warm up into the 40s, even to 50 degrees because this morning we've got 20s and low 30s out there. winds aren't going to be that bad either. if you are somebody who exercises outside, it's going to get breezy tomorrow and thursday afternoon but a lot milder. by 9:00 35. we'll head toward noon. still lots of sunshine, lower 40s. this afternoon we're going to make a run toward the 50-degree mark before it's all done. back to you. >> thank you, howard. an injured capital returns to his home country. >> a well known redskin who played under gregg williams discusses bountygate. here's kristen berset with your morning sports. good morning, everybody. after a lengthy n.f.l. investigation uncovered a pay for pain system among the new orleans saints, former defensive coordinator gregg williams apologized and admitted to paying players to
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take out opponents. n.f.l. officials met with williams yesterday to talk about other allegations that he had a similar bounty system during his time as head coach of the buffalo bills and defensive coordinator here with the redskins. former redskins linebacker lavar arrington who played under williams says he didn't see anything going on here and that those big hits are just a part of football. >> that's kind of the culture of the game. until -- maybe this is what's taking place right now with what the n.f.l. is doing or what they may end up doing. you have to change what the culture is. >> last night john wall company looking for two straight hosting golden state in the first. david lee with a back door pass for a monster jam. warriors never trailed this game. the only bright spot? john wall here with the dunk. he had a double double last night, 20 points, 14 assists but the wizards really had no shot of catching up. the warriors set a season high in points as they crushed the
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wizards 120-100. randy whitman after the game poll juiced -- apologized to everyone who had to watch the debacle. nicholas baxstrum getting some r&r. he said it was tough being around the team not knowing when he will be able to play again. they say he's home visiting family, not seeing a specialist. >> the culture goes all the way back to deacon jones in those days. >> see some footage of him trying to tackle somebody. only two republican presidential candidates are on today's super tuesday ballot in virginia. more on that coming up. plus, the beverage industry responding to a major consumer group's command that the caramel coloring be taken out of soda. things are looking great on 270 at route 117 as you head
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down to the point where the lanes divide. a bit of volume building but no big deal right now. coming up in my next report, a closer look at maryland roads at 5:30. you're watching 9news now. stay with us.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now on this tuesday morning. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. boy, it's cold. i thought i was going to need an ice scraper. here's monika santami. >> good morning. >> better bern starts it off -- howard bernstein starts it off. a crazy week. >> it's in the low 20s in the suburbs. we'll be talking 70 by thursday afternoon. pace yourself here because it's going to be a lot better. today a chilly day as we have the 20s and 30s but some recovery this afternoon under sunny skies. it will be decent to be outside. you certainly need the jackets as we approach the 50-degree
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mark. sunshine this morning. this midday, this afternoon with 43-degree reading at noon. we're looking at 50 for that high with the drive home temp of 47 as winds turn to the south at 5 to 10 miles per hour. the system from yesterday which brought the heavy snow across parts of central virginia towards charlottesville and south of fredricksburg, you can see the morning skies are nice and clear. it is cold. 21 now in manassas. 20 in martinsburg. it's 26 up in baltimore. to our south we've got 25 out of the tappahannock airport. 50 this afternoon here in d.c. and winchester. and 48 on the bay in annapolis. let's go to monika santami at 5:29. if you're planning to head outside right now, besides the chill in the air, there are really no problems to report i'm happy to say. you have a bit of slow traffic forming in the usual spots, including on the outer loop here after college park into silver spring but no big deals to report on 95, route 29, 270. let's take a live look outside. if you're planning to head over
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on the beltway near route 50 in prince george's county, that entire eastern stretch of the beltway is running free between 95 and the wilson bridge. back over to the maps. this time let's head over to virginia on the gw parkway you're going to be fine. inside the beltway no delays on 66 inside the beltway. a live look at 66 at the fairfax county parkway coming in from manassas and centreville. right now you should be fine. while voters head to the polls in super tuesday states today, president obama will hold his first news conference of the year. >> recent polls show the president would win a head-to- head matchup against any of the four republican presidential candidates. he focused on foreign policy on monday. while there are signs the economy is improving, the president will probably face questions on why the turn around is proceeding so slowly. today could go a long way to determining who will face president obama in the general
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election this november. voters in ten states from vermont to alaska are going to the polls. virginia is voting and the biggest prizes today? ohio and georgia. more than 400 convention delegates are at stake. the two most recent front runners mitt romney and rick santorum both made appearances in ohio yesterday. newt gingrich made stops in tennessee and georgia. georgia of course the state where he represented in congress. while ron paul continued his focus on the caucus states he swung through idaho. delia goncalves is live in falls church, virginia where voters will only see two of those four republican names on the ballot this morning. good morning, delia. >> reporter: good morning, mike. we're outside of the falls church community center. polls will open in half an hour. it's quiet now but things will heat up in about half an hour here. the two names that folks will see on the ballot mitt romney and ron paul. here to explain why is david burkey, the general registrar here for falls church. tell me why we see only those two candidates' names.
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that comes down to the signatures, correct? >> correct. virginia requires 10,000 signatures and each senate district will need 400 signatures. therefore, it is very difficult for many candidates who aren't in the state to get their petitions done. >> reporter: only a virginia resident must gather those signatures? >> correct. the participant must be a virginia resident. while santorum and gingrich are living in the state, most of their signatures while they were able to get them from some of the petitioners, there was issues with the petitions actually being circulated by virginia residents. >> we know they filed suit. do you think there's a push to maybe change that strict rule? >> there is a push to change it but it has been tabled in the general assembly as of now. they may revisit it next year. they didn't want to change the rules midstream. >> reporter: last question. i know you have read all the critics' headlines saying this is a super tuesday snoozer,
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it's a disappoint because there are only two names on the ballot. romney is expected to run away with the race. what are your impressions? >> we think every election is important, but, yes, we can tell with the absentee voting being so low the turnout will probably be quite low. >> reporter: polls open at 6:00 a.m. and close? >> 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. >> reporter: a long day. >> it is. >> reporter: hopefully we'll get some more people coming in and coming in to vote and cast their ballots for romney or ron paul. no write-ins are allowed on this ballot. back to you. polls open at 6:00 a.m. close tonight at 7:00. back to you. >> delia goncalves from falls church, virginia. no primary in montgomery county in maryland but montgomery county is looking for people to serve as election judges at polling sites for the presidential elections next month and in november. the judges must be registered maryland voters and must be able to speak, read and write in english. bilingual volunteers are also
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needed. the judges cannot hold or be a candidate for public or party office or be serving as a campaign manager or treasurer. judges will be trained and compensated. new information about the cleanup of the ground water near maryland's fort detrick. the national research council is calling for more analysis of the health risks next to the site. the group found fault with the 2009 study by the department of health and human services. that study concluded that exposure to ground water contap naipted by chemicals at fort detrick was -- contaminated by chemicals at fort detrick was unlikely to have any health effects. the center for science in the public interest says the chemical that gives soda its caramel color is dangerous and should be banned. cspi officials say research shows about 15,000 americans will develop cancer because of the caramel coloring. >> the fda should ban products
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that contain more of this cancer causing contaminant than the agency's own regulations would permit. >> in response the american beverage association released a statement questioning the science of the study cited and accuses the cspi of employing scare tactics. it is 5:35. time for another your money report. >> jessica doyle is back with more bad news for rush. >> that's right. >> money's talking. >> and money is walking. we're talking about rush limbaugh and more of his advertisers have been heading for the door. they say they're dropping his program after the conservative talk show host made those derogatory comments about a georgetown law student. the latest a.o.l. and tax resolution services were the eighth and ninth companies to say they're not going to advertise with him. they're suspending their advertisements. over the weekend limbaugh did apologize for calling the student a slut and a prostitute after she testified on capitol hill in support of a national
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health care policy. a special state tax is on the table in maryland. a montgomery county lawmaker is targeting capital gains. the washington examiner reports that the proposed tax would have a heavy impact on small businesses and counties such as montgomery, howard and other jurisdictions with some of the highest incomes in the country. democrat delegate gutierrez and lawmakers from prince george's county and baltimore would charge an additional 2% tax on capital gains. these are profits on the sale of stocks, bonds and real estate investments. it's widely expected apple's new ai pad will be -- ipad will be unjailed tomorrow. one thing -- unveiled tomorrow. one thing that is of concern is accessories. apple has not been broadcasting the new specks of the product. companies are not sure their accessories will be compatible and this is big business.
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they're kind of like we don't really know if this stuff is going to fit. >> you just have to buy the apple accessory and not look elsewhere. i get it. today we will learn the identity of the person who won the biggest lottery jackpot, one of them in history. that story is coming up. >> we're still on the set so we know it's not one of us. a school is hoping for a little financial lover from maryland's public works to make some renovations. we'll be right back. you're watching 9news now.
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welcome back. 5:39. out on the weather terrace it is cold this morning. lots of temps in the 20s. upper 20s in northwest and 32 at reagan national. sunny skies today. looking at your day planner temperatures are going to climb
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into the 40s here, low 40s by h lunctime. upper 40s at 3:00 with a high around 50. and a 6:00 p.m. temperature still of about 46 degrees. let's go inside now to monika. she's got the traffic for you. i do. we're going to take a look at a map where there's an accident at route 123 at the entrance of the c.i.a. fairfax county police are on the scene so watch your step. more details on this and other area roadways at 5:49. we've been combing through the day's daily deals, e-mails and retailer websites to find you deep discounts. here are some of our favorites today. appealing to you tech geeks and i say that with love in my heart, has an ipad and iphone speaker deck. it turns your iphone, apple tv and more into a home theater. normally $599. right now a nick under 200
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bucks. that's 568% -- that's a 68% savings. and a deal on river cruises. a 50% savings. you can take in the sights during a 45-minute potomac river cruise. here's a cheap way to get from d.c. to new york city on a luxury business. $13 deal with groupon is good for one way or buy two of them. that is a 48% savings. if you have an offer you've seen or a local merchant with a deal for our viewers, love to hear from you on facebook. >> sounds good. thank you. you probably didn't know this is national consumer protection week and the virginia department of treasury is helping people find their unclaimed property. yesterday the department set up a shop at the fairfax county government center where police also offered advice about how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud or scams. today the department will be at the south county center in alexandria from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. a school in silver spring appears to be on track for some
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big renovations. maryland comptroller peter franchot checked out the school. an administrator to the 20-year- old school say the roof and skylights need to be replaced and montgomery county is now asking for $212,000 so the renovations can be completed. coming up, we'll tell you which candidates are the most popular when it comes to online searches. plus, angry over cuts to higher education leading to hundreds of arrests out west overnight. at 5:42, let's see who's celebrating a birthday today, the 6th of march. dr. alan greenspan is 86. marion barry is 76. and supreme singer mary wilson is 68. >> actor rob reiner is 65. tom arnold is 53. she was on spin city and friday night lights connie briton is 45 and recently retired
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shaquille o'neill hits the big 4-0 today. if it's your birthday, happy birthday. we'll be right back.
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good morning. welcome back to 9news now. it's 5:46. we always have weather first and that means howard bernstein is with us. >> temperatures down in the 20s in many areas. >> i brought the jacket but not the gloves or the ear muffs. >> this could be the last morning i wear earmuffs maybe for a long time. i may be putting them away for the season. let's face it, winter's dead after yesterday. s that was its last gasp. looks like a nice warm-up headed our way. >> we're in trouble now when
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you proclaim it dead. >> have some faith. let's get to the bus stop forecast. got to get away from these two. with temperatures in the 20s, i can do my thing, down in the 20s and low 30s under clear skies. thankfully winds aren't too bad. we'll see a lot breezier conditions the next couple of days. winter really never got here. we have two measly inches all year so for snow lovers this has been disappointed except yesterday some areas close to 10 inks of snow. 4 -- inches of snow. 43 by noon. a high near 50 this afternoon. those winds will turn to the south at 5 to 10 miles an hour. so not much of a breeze today but you'll notice the winds over the next couple of daitz. the cold stuff york in garrett county at 18. frederick 23. even off to the south in richmond, fredricksburg to tappahannock mid-20s with low 30s down at southern
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merchandise midat the pax pacs naval air station -- pacs naval air station. even the ear muffs. a looking good at the capital dome. have a dew point of 15. if you're feeling achy today, look at this barometer. 30.6 inches of mercury, that is a huge rise from yesterday when the storm system went through. so that big pressure change, if you're sensitive to that not feeling well today. but here's something to look at, too. the 50s shooting up into kansas city. it's a lot warmer here than just a few hundred miles away in chicago. that warmth if you will is going to be moving in our direction thanks in part to this storm system in the northwest. as it comes across the country, winds are out ahead of it southwesterly. all the 50s you see this morning in the central plains move in toward our area and replace the 20s and 30s. we're going to have lows in the 40s in just a couple of days. another chilly night tonight as
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this storm system pulls away with high pressure nearby. here come the winds though tomorrow turning to the south and southwest. so that pushes us interest the of ostomy and near -- into the 60s tomorrow and near 70 thursday. today only about 50, on the cool side. tonight we're back down to the 30s in town. a few spots in the upper 20s. tomorrow breezy and milder, 65. thursday freezey and even warmer, 70. friday the next system approaches with showers and mid- 50s. saturday cool and saturday night a time change before 65 on sunday. let's go to monika. no lists. still good looking out there? i wish i could say that but here we go. there's a live shot here from the sky 9 shot. route 123 eastbound at the entrance for the c.i.a. we're still trying to figure out what this accident involved in total but you can see in the middle of your screen there, a tow truck with a car on it. at least one vehicle involved
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in this accident. you'll have to watch your step as you head eastbound on 123. georgetown pike looks okay. gw parkway looks okay. you might want to choose those alternate routes n. is eastbound 123 at the entrance for the c.i.a. let's take a look at our maps so i can give you some perspective of where it is. again you might just want to stick to your alternate routes, the gw parkway or georgetown pike to get around this accident. on the northbound side of i-95 volumes are building from the prince william parkway into route 1, the newington to springfield which is where we'll go live on the northbound side of i-95. it's just bunching up here as you try to exit on to 395. a last look at 395 near duke street still moving well. coming up in my next report an update on the accident at 6:00. making news now at 5:50, california highway patrol officers arrested about 70 people overnight at the state capitol in sacramento. they were among thousands of protesters airing their grievances with lawmakers.
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the demonstrators are upset over cuts to higher education, including steep tuition increases. a new study finds the youngest children in the class could be overdiagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. canadian researchers looked at nearly a million kids and found those born in december were 39% more likely to be diagnosed with adhd than children born just a month later in january. later this morning, the winner of last month's $336 million power ball jackpot is coming forward in rhode island. there was only one winning ticket in the february 11 drawing. it was sold at a stop 'n' shop in newport. it's the sixth largest jackpot in u.s. history. the lump sum payment $210 million. it's super tuesday. voters are still trying to find out all they can about the candidates. joining us this morning is abby with google's election team. thanks so much for joining us. you have been tracking candidates' web searches on
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google. what have you found so far? >> people across the country obviously are using google and youtube to look for information about these candidates and the issues that they stand o. what we've been looking at very broadly as well which searches are popular on issues or candidates state by state. what we've been looking at in terms of the super tuesday states is seeing that rick santorum searches are ahead in nine out of ten of them. that's a candidate that people are really looking for more information about in the final days before voting happens. >> virginia obviously is part of the primary process today. what are locals in the washington area searching for? >> when we look at issues in the washington area, it really is the economy that has people looking for more information. issue terms like unemployment, bankruptcy, debt, deficit. these are things that come up again and again. so even though the g.o.p. candidates might be out talking about a whole slew of different issues, it's those economic searches that keep coming back
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far above and beyond searches for things like social issues or immigration or national security even. >> obviously front and center. you've also been taking a look at searches on youtube. how is that playing out in this election? >> reporter: it's pretty amazing to think youtube wasn't even around a couple eep hecks -- elections ago and now we've seen candidates get 40 million views and president obama, candidate obama getting another seven million or so for his election videos. in terms of what's most popular for the g.o.p. candidates right now, the most viewed video for one of the remaining candidates is actually an attack ad from ron paul against newt gingrich but the most popular candidate video uploaded by a candidate of all time actually goes back to 2008, then candidate barack obama. his campaign uploading a video of him dancing on the ellen
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degenres show. political video comes in all different shapes and sizes and even though we see candidate ads with millions of views, one featuring a dancing president also doesn't do too badly. >> hard to beat. in some cases you want the attention. other cases you don't. thanks so much for coming in today. >> it's hard to look cool dancing sometimes in a suit. he's in a suit. >> who knows what will happen. we'll head out to virginia just as super tuesday voting gets under way in less than ten minutes. who's dancing there? >> i totally understand, mr. president. today here on hero central, we salute the medical professionals who help patients in d.c.'s underserved communities. stay with us. [ male announcer ] this was how my day began.
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a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪
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each week mobile health vans offer services to patients in low income areas. >> jc hayward takes us to a location in ward 8 to show us that in this hero central report report. >> reporter: this mobile medical unit has offered physicals and checkups, dental care and the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses for almost 20 years. southeast residents like michele say they can't imagine being without the van. >> my middle daughter, she had asthma real bad. i came to the mobile and they described medicine for her and she's doing wonderful now. >> reporter: the van visits 11 sites weekly, most are near public housing. the staff also provides care and referrals for children with special needs. but most importantly, families
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without insurance are not turned away. >> we provide services to families where historically there's been a barrier to access of care where there weren't doctors in the neighborhoods our advance would go. where there weren't dentists in the neighborhoods our advance would go. we provide not just a medical home but a health home for our families. >> reporter: this state of the art medical unit is providing high quality services to approximately 1500 youngsters each year. and it's also giving them a brighter future. >> when you leave here today, you make your dental appointment, okay? >> the services we provide are unique. they're just great for our family because we're making sure the family as a whole is getting the best benefit of health care. >> once the children's mobile pulled up, it was on. i love them. they greeted us. they are wonderful. my kids' health is up to date. they all are just fine. now i have my grandson going on
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the mobile. what more could you ask for? >> reporter: i'm jc hayward, 9news now. >> children's hospital is adding more routes so the mobile van will reach families in prince george's county as well. you can get a link to the van's current locations by logging on to jc thank you for watching 9news now. it's 6:00 a.m. on this tuesday morning, march 6. i'm andrea roane. i'm mike hydeck. it's chilly outside. monika santami has traffic. howard bernstein, my friend. how are you? i'm well. tomorrow we're going to warm up into the 60s. by thursday i think we're going to get towards 70. >> can't wait. love that. >> snow flakes yesterday. 70 on thursday. noon 43679 rehead -- noon 43. we head toward 50 for a high. we're


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